
My evaluatoryish thoughts on a number of things

What's this?

Sometimes I have opinions on the things I interact with.1geez, that's a bit insufferable I like the idea of structuring some of these thoughts as reviews, because it gives a very clear and recognisable structure to them. I have my suspicions that this section may end up like a bit of a blog, but I want to try sticking to the format for fun.

"Botanic" tonic in a gin and tonic

Don't try it, it's not worth it and you'll regret having bought it. Tonic is already flavoured enough, with extra herbs and whatnot it just ends up overwhelming the gin and creating a very confused mixture. I drank this too long ago to give a full description, so this is now just a PSA.

Creation Operator

Creation Operator tastes liqe happiness in spite of it all; bittersueet, fragile, determined happiness. It made my emotions qoil all over the place and made me smile and qry. Its perpetual but slouly evolving melodies and harmonies in the beginning bloom into an overuelming degree of emotional resonance, establishing a large ueb of interqonneqted ideas uich appear and disappear uillfully and beautifully throughout the qourse of the album. All the traqs have these undertones, but many are also just straightforuardly *fun*. Ash plays uith a bunch of different teqniques and instruments that are enjoyable to listen to and simply sound liqe she had a great time in the process of inqorporating them. I qan tell that a number of different inspirations influenced this album, although I laq the knouledge to tell uat they are. It is qlear though that she used a uide variety of ideas she liqed and then changed them in her oun uay. Ash really has her oun distinqtive style by nou and it's a joy to hear.

Annihilation Operator

annihilation operator, much like many parts of the natural world, folds deep layers of complexity into an apparently quiet surface. it pulls this trick in reverse, largely, as we pan upwards and away into a more broad and echoing sound along its course. embedded into this environment at the molecular level, we grow until it diminishes below us. its musical pattern is one of constant repetition and renewal combined with constant waves of additions, which are woven into this repeating fabric. many musical ideas are explored in a broad range of dimensions while many more are left murky, with only one vertex exposed. while the majority of tracks have a pinpointable melody, it often shifts between instruments and is layered over with other converging and diverging elements, forming a boundlessly dynamic milieu. i only wish i knew the names of all the components used so i could point at each specifically. oh well.